How Acne Treatments Can Clear Your Skin

It is very possible that you have tried many things to achieve clear skin.  Have you seen a dermatologist or OBGYN and taken birth control, or how about going to your local pharmacy and buying “acne” facial cleansers and scrubs, only to be left with little to no visible results?

For many, nothing works, and many options have made your skin worse.  You have wasted hundreds of dollars on false promises.  Since you are reading this, I am here to tell you that there is something that does work.  It is not a certain product or prescription that is going to make your world perfect.  Rather, it is a special system and with the right coaching it works 95% of the time.  In all honesty, the 5% that it does not work is usually due to being allergic to certain ingredients, not following the instructions or being inconsistent with the program.  If you’ve ever experienced results when you first started using a certain product and then it stopped, it is not the case with our coaching program & products. 

Understanding What Acne Is

Acne is something that we just have.  It is genetic.  If your parents had acne, you are more likely to have it.  Acne is the result of poorly functioning pores.  The sebaceous follicles are hyperactive, over producing dead skin cells and oils.  This all becomes trapped inside the pore, resulting in acne. 

The inside of our pores has a lining.  This lining sheds, just like the surface of our skin.  If you are prone to acne, your cells are shedding at an accelerated rate.  You are more likely to shed 5 times faster than someone who does not have acne.  The body is not capable of eliminating this and the pore becomes filled with these dead skin cells.  These are called microcomedones and are found deep within our pores. 

At the same time, the sebaceous glands are ramped up producing high amounts of oil.  Ever seen a teenager with very oily skin?  The combination of this oil and the dead skills not being able shed become trapped and form acne.  Some acne becomes inflamed when bacteria is present and presents itself like a cyst on the face.  This is because the body is trying to fight off an infection and sends white blood cells to the acne lesion.  If there is no infection present, then the acne is defined as non-inflamed.  Each type needs to be treated slightly differently. 

Why Many Acne Treatments Will Not Work for You

Many “facials” will help with oily skin and certain products will say that it will kill the acne bacteria.  These are not addressing the fact that the body is producing 5 times as many dead skin cells within the pore.  I am not saying that these facials or products are bad, in fact they are great, but they are only part of the equation.  The dead skin cells are the root of the problem with the others as the limbs.  They all need to be addressed but each fall within their own category and need to be managed in different ways.

I have worked with clients who were on RetinA, a retinoid based product that address the shedding pore problem.  But there is a major problem-this product has a highly pore clogging ingredient that renders it ineffective for many users.  This ingredient, Isopropyl Myristate, is to prevent the skin from getting too dry. 

For you to see these acne breakouts, it takes about 90 days.  So, a breakout starts about 90 days before you even see it.  Therefore, our acne coaching program takes a minimum of 90 days to get people clear.  Its just how long it takes the body to respond.  Another reason why I like extra time to coach is that the skin can get very dry.  I like to take a long slow approach to control the dryness on the skin, so you are not left uncomfortable. 

I also like to coach people for 120 days because I am also addressing many scarring issues.  Once the skin gets clear, many people are left with scars.  Scar reversal is a whole other subject, but the red pigmentation scars are easier to treat than pitted scars.  

I have addressed the dead skin cell problem, but there is also the bacterial infection that happens with inflamed acne.  Benzoyl Peroxide is a fabulous product that helps with this.  It infuses the pore with oxygen, which suffocates the bacteria.  The problem that many people have is that this can be very drying and irritating to the skin.  We use a special formula that causes less irritation, without sacrificing the strength.

One big problem I see with people using this ingredient is that they are using in incorrectly.  We have an extremely specific plan on how and when to use it.  Every person is different so there really isn’t a set method, it’s more of how your body responds to it.  Therefore, using a coach, who knows what they are doing can truly make the difference in how this product works for you.

Another concern is that many BPO’s are not strong enough.  If it is not clearing up your skin, there could be many reasons, and this is a common one.

Another problem is that it is too strong and drying to the skin so the manufacturer either has formulated it with ingredients that moisturize your skin, rendering it either ineffective or it will clog you pores.  What gives?  There are some very inexpensive ingredients derived from fatty acids that will make your skin feel good.  You may even experience temporary clearing of the skin, but over time the skin will develop more acne because it is getting clogged from those oil-based ingredients.

If you stop using your BPO, then you will likely get breakouts again.  It is like exercise; you can’t just stop and think that you’ll keep your weight down or keep the same figure.  It takes consistent use, over a long time to have consistent results. 

One issue that is quite common is that your body gets used to using the product and then it seems like it does not work anymore.  This is true.  We are very adaptable creatures.  This is when doing regular at-home care, receiving peels or facials or even changing HOW you use BPO can have major results at obtaining clear skin.  Using an acne coach is extremely helpful in getting clear skin.

Are You Allergic to Benzoyl Peroxide?

Very few people are allergic to this ingredient.  If you have a little sensitivity to BPO when you use it, you probably are not allergic to it.  If you have a full-blown rash, then I would say you are.  As a side note, I have seen a client have a reaction on different parts of her body when she was exposed to the BPO. 

Being a little sensitive is normal for a lot of people.  When I start my clients on a BPO product, it is a real slow progression, so it becomes manageable. 

Work with an Acne Coach

If you are local to Sheboygan then we highly suggest that you work one on one with our acne specialists.  If you are in other parts of the world, we have an online acne coaching program that will change your life.  We have cleared hundreds of client’s skin.  We have two programs to choose from, a self-guided plan (this is where you’ll learn to pick the right products for your skin but we still teach you how to use them) and an upgraded plan where you’ll be assigned one of our coaches who will work with you over a 4 month period of time to coach you to clear and radiant skin.

We are acne specialists & coaches that are dedicated to making you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin.  Give us a call at 920-226-7979

©2020 Elizabeth Steffen, Vanilla Sugar Face & Body

Elizabeth Steffen