+ Mid Section of the Body
- Brazilian (Front & Back) | $80
- New Client Brazilian | $85
- Modified Bikini (Between Brazilian & Bikini) | $60
- Bikini | $45
- Buttocks, includes the crack | $35
+ Brow Services
- Luxe Brows (Brow Wax) | $25
- Brilliant Brows (Re-Shape & Wax)| $35
- Celebrity Brows ( Re-shape, Wax, & Tint) | $45
- Brow Tint | $25
+ Facial Waxing
- Full Face (includes luxe brows, cheeks, sideburns, chin, forehead and lips) | $60
- Luxe Brows (Basic Brow Waxing) | $25
- Lips | $12
- Chin | $18
- Sideburns | $20
- Nose | $10
+ Lower Body
- Full Legs with Brazilian Wax | $150
- Full Legs with Modified Bikini Wax | $125
- Full Legs with Bikini Wax | $115
- Full Leg Wax | $95
- 3/4 Leg Wax | $75
- Half Leg Wax | $50
+ Upper Body
- Neck | $25
- Full Arms | $50
- Half Arms | $40
- Chest | $35
- Stomach | $30
- Chest & Stomach | $50
- Back | $50
- Underarms | $30
*** Please read our cancellation policy before booking.